Embrace UK Service Users Satisfaction Survey

Embrace UK is keen to have your thoughts about the service and the organisation values every suggestion put forward from service users. So we appreciate if you take some time and complete the survey. Thanking you in advance.

1. Which service did you use and how well did it meet your needs?     (please pick one or more services)

Advice Service
Not at all well
Not so well
Somewhat well
Very well
Extremely well
Sexual Health Service
Training Service
Youth Service
Physical Exercise
Domiciliary Care Service

2. How long have you been a service user of Embrace UK?

This is my first time
1 - 2 years
Less than six months
3 or more years
Six months to a year

3. How likely are you to use any of our services again?

Extremely likely
Not so likely
Very likely
Not at all likely
Somewhat likely

4. How likely is it that you would recommend Embrace UK to a friend     or colleague?

Extremely likely
Not so likely
Very likely
Not at all likely
Somewhat likely

5. How did you hear about our service?

Leaflets / flyers
Word of mouth
Friends or family
Negat Embrace UK Radio
Embrace UK Outreach service
Other service providers

6. Which of the following describes you gender?


7. Which of the following describes your ethnicity?

Middle East

8. Which of the following describes your sexual orientation?

Prefer not to say

9. What is your age group?

16 to 25
46 to 55
26 to 35
56 and over
36 to 45

10. What did you think of Embrace UK's web site?

It's very nice
It needs a little work
It's okay
It needs a lot of work
No strong feelings about it

Do you have any other comments, questions, or concerns? (optional)